Friday, October 06, 2006

The Cat Killer Speaketh

Hey look, it's the cat killer, err, Frist himself, explaining how he's saving all us gamblers from hellfire and damnation:

First-Person: Putting a Stop to Internet Gambling

Parts I especially super-duper enjoyed:

"This hurts families. Although Internet gambling did not have a prominent place on either party’s radar screen just a few years ago, its explosive growth and potential for damaging families made it a very important issue to me and many others in Congress."

False. The chance to buy votes in the Iowa caucuses made this a very important issue to you.

"In fact, online casino websites have the potential to turn every personal computer in the country into a miniature version of the Las Vegas Strip. Rigorous state enforcement means that brick and mortar casinos make a good faith effort to keep minors away from gambling. The same isn’t so for online casinos: A website can’t tell whether someone is 13 or 35."

False. They use the exact same measures to tell that someone is the age of majority that online horse betting and fantasy sports sites use, both of which you gave a hearty thumbs up to continue to accept online wagers.

"The existence of Internet gambling, moreover, makes a mockery of laws in states that forbid all gambling. Experts who testified before Congress agreed social trouble has increased as a result: People who gamble online are almost twice as likely to become problem gamblers as those who gamble in other places. Problem gambling destroys lives and families."

I guess you were too busy lying and slaughtering cats in med school to drop in on a logic class or two. I'm not even going to make fun of that, as it does well enough on its own.

"It’s important that people in the pro-family movement remain vigilant to be sure that the regulations implementing this law accomplish all that Congress intended. The government also will be able to ensure that website operators don’t provide links to gambling websites. Finally, anybody who violates the Internet gambling law can have all gambling licenses revoked: Thus, any land or river-based casino operator that opens a gambling website could see all of its casinos shut down."

Good to know, all the way around.

"We already have evidence that the law will work. Although the president has not yet signed the bill, shares in the United Kingdom’s largest online gambling companies have dropped more than 50 percent on the news of Congress’ action. At least one major online casino has decided to pull out of the U.S. market altogether and others likely will follow suit. Internet casinos, which made a fortune violating existing laws, bet against Congress taking them on. Thanks to citizens concerned about America’s families, their bets didn’t pay off."

Love the smugness, Bill. You wear it well. Thanks a pantload. Now go kill some cats.


peacecorn said...

That article makes me want to move all my money back online. It appears he says the law prevents money going TO the sites, not FROM the sites.

a4apple said...

I'd heard about it but didn't know it passed untill I read your blog. Funny how I found it, I won't get into detail. Just wanted to comment that you are an excellent writer. Expression, explanation, current status of the subject all carried very well and even as much as it has effected you not a totally bias sounding tone. I noticed you mentioned a loss of income on account of this. It would be hard to replace all but I couldn't help but mention that you would do excellent as a journalist, a reporter, a columnist or something along that line. I have been reading news articles lately that totally are out of calibur. limits probably up,,,,