...but winning a seat in a Full Tilt bracelet race is decidedly ungay.
Man, that was stressful. I had the chip lead for forever towards the end, and was about 30-40K in the lead when it got four handed. I went completely and utterly card dead, though, and the guy to my left kept re-raising my steals, so I ended up turtling a bit too much and not playing as aggressively as I should have. Plus another guy was shoving all in for 70K or so every third hand and no one would look him up.
I finally got AQs and Mr. All-In went all-in again, I called, and of course he has AK and I don't improve and get bounced down to 40K or so. Then I started playing poker again and scratched and clawed my way back to 80K or so, and all four of us were roughly even.
Finally caught Mr. All-In with 1010 when he pushed with 10 4, and suddenly I was back up to 120K again and in first, with three of us left. Smooth called with AQ when the short stack (he had 60K or so) raised me. Flop came something like A 10 7, rainbow. He bets a decent amount, I smooth call again, not too worried about giving him free cards. He'd also drop hands pretty quickly when I showed strength so I was willing to gamble a little and just smooth call.
Turn is Q, giving me top two pair. Boo ya. He checks, I bet about half the pot, and he insta-shoves. I sit on my hands and stare at it for awhile but see no way to get away from the hand, as it's 35K or so to call and even if I lose I'll have 60K or so left. If he slowplayed a set or hit his straight, so be it. I call, he flips over KJo for the straight, and before I can even start chanting "Q or A, Q or A", a beautiful black ace comes on the river, sealing the deal.
Pretty ugly way to clinch the seat but I'll take it.
(Um, yeah, poker, sorry about my post earlier today. We're cool.)
Why, I just lost the two buyins I had built up over a couple of hours in a NL cash game with a flopped straight against a flopped two pair that caught the boat on the river after we were all in at the turn.
I think I've just transferred all of my tilt anger towards you now. Bastard!!!!
But seriously, congratulations.
So are you going to use this for the already committed event #4 or does this mean you'll be entering another event?
SirScurvy weighs his survival chances against the formidable Mt. WSOP as he catches a favorable weather break to begin his ascent.
Very nice Scurvy! Congratz!
Well done... :)
Nice! Congrats :)
Great Job!
We need to write a schedule of which bloggers are playing in which Event so we can have railbirds!
Good Luck in your gay jewelry quest.
AWESOME man. I've been trying to win one of these Bracelet Race tourneys every night that I'm able to log in by 9pm, and haven't made it beyond the top 20 or so yet. I am big thyme jealous of this, Scurvy.
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